Fine Grained A ess Control for SOAP E-Servi es
Lightweight proto ols for remote servi e invo ation via HTTP and XML, su h as SOAP, are rapidly gaining a eptan e among developers of Internet-based e-servi es, espeially be ause of their rewall-traversal apabilities. However, no standard te hnique for a ess ontrol se urity is urrently de ned for either HTTP or SOAP itself. Conerns have been raised about the possibility that di erent SOAP appli ations will deal with embedded se urity in different ways, leading to appli ation-dependent se urity holes. In this paper, we propose an approa h that relies on the XML stru ture of SOAP requests to support ne-grained authorizations at the level of individual XML elements and attributes that ompose a SOAP all. The result is a simple, yet powerful and general, te hnique to enfor e a ess restri tions to SOAP invo ations.
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